
Mexico is ranked 18th overall on the Index. It is ranked 2nd for the regulation indicator.

Summary chart of Mexico's scores in the 2019 InCiSE index. GBR NZL CAN FIN AUS DNK NOR NLD SWE KOR USA EST CHE IRL AUT FRA ESP BEL DEU LTU CHL LVA JPN ITA SVN ISR POL ISL CZE PRT TUR SVK HRV BGR ROU GRC HUN MEX InCiSE 0.47 0.52 Capabilities Crisis and risk management Digital services Fiscal and financial management HR management Inclusiveness Integrity Openness Policy making Procurement Regulation Tax administration

Mexico’s strong regulation performance may reflect the country’s long-standing focus on policy reforms in this area, with most metric scores well above average. It achieves the maximum score for one of the two stakeholder engagement metrics and scores highly against the other one. In addition, Mexico achieves very high scores for two appraisal and evaluation metrics.

Mexico is ranked 6th for fiscal and financial management and 7th for tax administration. Mexico achieves maximum or near maximum scores for the tax administration theme measuring the extent and quality of digital service provision, as well as for the theme assessing the overall efficiency of tax collection.

The main indicators where Mexico’s scores are weak relative to other countries are integrity and HR management. However, Mexico does achieve one maximum score within the HR management indicator, namely the metric assessing the extent to which senior staff salaries compare favourably with similar jobs in the private sector.

Cross-referencing note

This content was presented as section 4.25 in the original 2019 publication.