Reader’s guide

Country codes

In some tables and graphs countries are referred to by their three-letter ISO 3166-1 country codes, the codes for the 38 countries covered by the 2019 InCiSE Index are:

Code Country
AUS Australia
AUT Austria
BEL Belgium
BGR Bulgaria
CAN Canada
CHL Chile
HRV Croatia
CZE Czechia
DNK Denmark
EST Estonia
FIN Finland
FRA France
DEU Germany
GRC Greece
HUN Hungary
ISL Iceland
IRL Ireland
ISR Israel
ITA Italy
JPN Japan
KOR Korea (the Republic of)
LVA Latvia
LTU Lithuania
MEX Mexico
NLD Netherlands (the)
NZL New Zealand
NOR Norway
POL Poland
PRT Portugal
ROU Romania
SVK Slovakia
SVN Slovenia
ESP Spain
SWE Sweden
CHE Switzerland
TUR Turkey
GBR United Kingdom
USA United States of America (the)

Indicator codes

The following acronyms are used in some tables to refer to the 12 indicators measured in the InCiSE 2019 Index.

Code Indicator
CAP Capabilities
CRM Crisis and risk management
DIG Digital services
FFM Fiscal and financial management
HRM HR management
INC Inclusiveness
INT Integrity
OPN Openness
POL Policy making
PRO Procurement
REG Regulation
TAX Tax administration